Crochet lace hat for girls. Crocheted openwork hat for a little girl: step-by-step instructions. Crochet spring hat for beginners

Head circumference: 50 cm.
Yarn:"Ivushka" Semenovskaya yarn (50% cotton, 50% viscose, 430 m/100 g).
Hook: № 1,5


We start knitting a hat from the top of the head. Hook No. 1.5
To do this, fold the thread into a ring.
1st row: tie a ring of thread. 3 air lifting loops, 16 double crochets, connecting loop (we close the knitting in a circle). Tighten the ring by pulling the non-working end of the thread.

Next we knit according to the pattern.

Scheme of an openwork crochet hat.

We knit the last 2 rows the required number of times (to the required depth).

Then tie the cap with 3 rows of single crochets.

Photo: Crocheted openwork hat.

Attention! If you liked our model of an openwork crochet hat and you knitted it for yourself according to its description, and now you want to show your work - you can place it yourself on this page under the description of this model - click on the green button "Add a photo of your work". We would like some brief information from you - what is your name (name or nickname), what city are you from, what materials were used and how the work progressed (was it easy or were there difficulties), wishes and suggestions.
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Zhanchik I

I really like your hats, thank you for sharing your experience. My name is Zhanna, Kharkov, Ukraine. I took Papillon thread from Lanoso (210m 50g) 50% cotton, 50% viscose. I started with a 1.5 crochet hook, after the bottom I took a hook 1.75 Here is my result


Good afternoon My name is Ekaterina. The yarn I use is “Semyonovskaya Yarn. Tenderness”, 47% cotton, 53% viscose, 100 g, 400 m, hook number 1. I started knitting a hat and saw that the top of the head turned out not like in the picture, but as if in a spiral. I began to get confused when moving to the next row, since it was very difficult to determine the end of the previous row in order to move to the next one. What did I do wrong, what was the mistake? Maybe you need to make three lifting air loops at the beginning of the row and a connecting one at the end? But this is not shown in the diagram. Please help me, I really want to knit this hat.

A women's hat is a universal accessory for any time of year! In the cold winter, it warms our ears and protects the beauty of our hair, while in the summer, hats protect us from UV radiation and sunstroke, and also create a romantic image and add originality to the outfit. Today we will tell you how to make crocheted summer hats for women, the diagrams of which are given in our master class.

Three-color women's summer hat

We will need:

  • 100 grams of light green, blue and lilac yarn (50% polyacrylic, 50%
  • cotton, 100 grams per 100 meters);
  • cr. No. 7.

Sequence of colors: *1 cr. R. lilac, light green and blue yarn, repeat from *. When replacing colors, do ss. thread of a different color.


The hat for women starts at the top.

Using a lilac thread, we crochet a chain of 4 sts. p., close it in a ring using ss. in the first century p., then continue knitting cr. R. and alternate stripes.

1 p.: 1 v. p.p., 1st century. p., 7 x (1 s. without n., 1 v. p.) in the ring = 16 p., ss. in the 1st s. without n..

2 p.: 2 v. p.p., *2 x (1 s. without n., 1 v.p.) in the next st. p. of the previous p., (1 s. without n., 1 v. p.) in the next st. p. of the previous p.*, repeat from * to * 3 more times = 24 p.. This and all subsequent p. we end with one ss. in the 1st century. p.p..

3 p.: 2 v. p.p., 12 x (1 s. without n., 1 v.p.) in v. n. of the previous river, starting from the 2nd century. p.p. and ending in. p. before the last s. without n..

4 p.: 2 v. p.p., 12 x (1 s. without n., 1 v.p.) in v. n. of the previous row, starting from v. p. after 1st s. without n. and ending in. p. after the last s. without n..

5 p.: like the 2nd p., but we perform increases from * to * 6 times = 36 p..

6-7 pp.: 18 x (1 s. without n., 1 v. p.) in the v. p. previous p..

8 p.: like the 2nd p., but we increase from * to * 9 times = 54 p..

9-12 pp.: 27 x (1 s. without n., 1 v. p.) in the v. p. previous p..

13 r.: like the 2nd r., but we perform increases from * to * 6 times every 4 v. p. = 66 p..

14-29 rr.: 33 x (1 s. without n., 1 v. p.) in the v. p. previous p..

Now we knit with light green thread.

30 rub.: 1 c. p.p., very loosely crochet 1 s. without n. in every c. n. of the previous row. We finish the row. using ss. in the 1st s. without n. = 33 p..

The hat should now be turned inside out.

31-32 pp.: 1 c. p. instead of 1 s. without n., in every s. without n. previous p. perform 1 s. without n.. We end each row with ss. in the 1st s. without n..


We cut the thread and fasten it to the wrong side of the product. The hat for women is ready!

Women's summer hat for beginners

Knitted openwork white hat for women

We will need:

  • yarn (50% cotton, 50% viscose, 100 grams per 430 meters) – 30 grams;
  • cr. No. 2.

We adhere to the given scheme:


We start knitting a hat for women from the top of the head.

A chain of 5 c. We close it in a ring using ss..

1 p.: 2 v. p.p., *3 v. p., 1 p. s n. at the base, ave. r.*, from * to * x 5 times, 3 in. p., close the r..

2 p.: 2 v. p.p., 1 p. from n., *3rd century. p., 2 p. with n.* x 11, 2 c. p., ss..

3 p.: 2 s. without n. at the base of the Ave. R., *3rd century. p., 1 p. without n.* x 11 times, 2 v. p., ss..

4 p.: 2 v. p.p., 3 p. from N., 2nd century. p., *4 s. from N., 2nd century. p.* x 11 times, ss..

5 p.: 2 v. p.p., 4 p. from N., 2nd century. p., *5 s. from N., 2nd century. p.* x 11 times, ss.. You should get 12 petals.

Next we crochet, evenly adding 1 s. s n. for each petal in each r.. Only 10 r. with allowances. Then 1 r. without additions (13 s. from n. to “petal”). Then another 7 rows, decreasing by 1 s. s n. for each petal in each r., then - 2 r. With. without n.. Women's hat for the summer is ready!

Cap-beret “Marine” for women

We will need:

  • yarn (100% cotton, 100 grams per 200 meters) – 70 grams blue and 30 grams white;
  • cr. No. 3.5.



We start knitting from the top of the hat with a blue thread.

We make a chain of 4 v. p., close it into a ring using ss., then stick to the diagram.

Alternation of colors: *2 r. blue yarn, 1 p. white*, repeat from * to * x 5, then knit 2 r. blue thread.

1 p.: 3 v. p.p., 11 p. s n.. Visually divide the work into 12 equal parts according to the number of stitches in the 1st row..

2 p.: 3 v. p.p., 1 p. s n. to the same base, 1 p. s n., *2 s. s n. in one base, 1 p. from n.*, from * to * x 11.

3 p.: 3 v. p.p., 1 p. s n. to the same base, 1 p. s n., *2 s. sn., 2 s. s n. in one base*, from * to * x 11.

4 p.: 3 v. p.p., 1 p. s n., 1 s. sn., 2 s. s n. in one base, *2 p. sn., 2 s. s n. in one base*, from * to * x 11.

5 p.: 3 v. p.p., 2 p. s n. in one base, 3 p. s n., *2 s. s n. in 1 base, 3 s. from n.*, from * to * x 11.

6 p.: 3 c. p.p., 2 p. sn., 2 s. s n. in 1 base, 2 s. s n., *2 s. sn., 2 s. s n. in 1 base, 2 s. from n*, from * to * x 11.

We continue knitting by analogy, always shifting the increase by 1 s. with n.. We knit until the diameter of the circle is 20 cm (about 11 r.), then 3 r. no additions.

To narrow the product, starting from the next. r., decrease evenly 12 p. per circle, make 3 such r., then 1 r. With. s n. and 2 r. With. s n. no deductions. The beret for women is ready!

Openwork hat for women: MK video

A simple openwork summer hat for beginners

We will need:

  • yarn (100% cotton, 100 grams per 200 meters) – 80 grams;
  • cr. No. 3.5.

We make increments according to the scheme:


Fold the thread in half and make a chain of 5 sts. p., ss..

1 p.: 3 v. p.p., 11 p. with n..

2 r. and all subsequent ones for 7 rubles. inclusive we do according to s..

8-15 rub.: like 7 rub..

16 rubles: *1 p. without n., 2nd century. p.* from * to *.

17 r.: p. without n..

A simple hat for beginners: master class

Women's knitted summer hat “Shell”

We will need:

  • yarn (100% cotton, 50 g. per 165 m.), 100 g. white and 50 g. lilac;
  • cr. No. 3 and No. 4.

We adhere to the proposed scheme:

Openwork pattern: knit. according to cx. cr. R..

We start on the chain from to. p.: instead of 1st s. s n. each cr. R. knitting 3rd century p.p., instead of 1st s. without n. – 2nd century p.p.. Every cr. R. close 1 ss.. Repeat the rapport paragraph. We complete 1 – 27 cr. R. 1 time.


Using crochet hook No. 4 and white yarn, make a chain of 104 sts. p., ss. and knitting openwork pattern.

1st round: perform 104 s. s n. and 1st s. s n. replace 3 v. P..

2 r.: 26 rapports in the territory, region, groups of villages. s n. perform in the last group s. s n. pr.r..

In the 2nd -20th cr, r. each group consists of 4 s. with n..

From the 21st. we make decreases for the top: each group issue. 3 s each with n..

In the 22nd – 24th cr. R. knitting 2 s each s n. = 78 s. s n. after 21st cr. R. = 52 s. s n after the 22nd cr. R..

23rd and 24th cr. R. knitting at 52 s. with n..

In the 25th cr. R. knitting 1 s. s n. over each gr. = 26 s. with n..

26th cr. R. knitting at 26 s. with n..

In the 27th cr. R. issue only with. without n., introducing a hook into every 2nd s. s n. = 13 p..

In the 28th cr. R. With. without n. also knitting in each 2nd s. without n. pr.r. = 7 p..


We tighten the remaining loops, on the opposite side of the cast-on chain with lilac thread and hook No. 3 we make 1 cr. R. With. without n., white thread 1 cr. R. With. s n. and lilac 1 cr. R. “crawfish step” (s. without n. from left to right). The women's hat is ready!

Unusual summer hat for women

We will need:


Having made 10 motifs according to the diagram, we connect them into a ring, 90 s. without n., as shown in diagram. We continue knitting with. without n. in a spiral.

At a height of 3 cm from the beginning. without n. we do this: we decrease 6 p., every 14th and 15th p.m.

We continue to make 6 decreases in each row until we have 24 stitches left.

In the next 2 p. decrease by 8 sts, every 2nd and 3rd sts..

We cut the thread, pull it through the remaining 8 stitches and tighten it, fasten it along the bottom of the flowers and knit with. without n. 5 cm.

To turn the cap, we make another 10 rubles. With. without n., adding 4 increments of 5 and 7 pp..

Every mother knows that being in the sun with your head uncovered is not at all good for your health. Therefore, from an early age, all children are put on caps and panama hats, allowing them to sunbathe without fear. As a summer headdress, you can use panama hats, baseball caps or just scarves. Or you can knit your own openwork hats made of natural cotton, which will allow your skin to breathe, but at the same time protect you from sunstroke. So, today we will learn how to knit openwork hats using a crochet hook.

Learn how to crochet warm openwork hats with your own hands

To make a children's knitted hat you will need:
  • cotton threads (white, green and pink)
  • crochet hook No. 2

Below is a pattern for knitting children's openwork hats.

How to knit a children's knitted hat:

1) First, we cast on a chain of six chain stitches.

2) We start the first level with three lifting loops. We knit them into a circle of 16 double crochets.

3) Second level: first of all, we cast on three lifting loops, and after them - one air loop. After this, in all columns of the first level we knit a block of one double crochet and one chain stitch. We continue knitting like this until the level ends.

4) Third level: in all chain loops of the second level we knit two double crochets, alternating them with chain loops.

5) Fourth level: knitted in the same way as the third, but we make three double crochets with one base.

6) Fifth level: cast on three chain stitches, then knit the following block “two double crochets, one chain loop, three double crochets” into a combined chain stitch of the fourth level. After this, we perform “one chain loop, three double crochets in each chain loop of the fourth row,” and through three chain loops of the fourth level we knit this block “three double crochets, one chain loop, three double crochets.”

7) Sixth level: knitted in the same way as the fifth, but at the same time we knit the blocks of the fifth level not into the fourth, but into the fifth air loop of the fifth level.

8) Seventh level: we start with lifting loops, then two double crochets in the chain loop of the previous row, then repeat the block “one chain loop, three double crochets in the chain loop of the previous row.”

9) Eighth level: knitted in the same way as the seventh.

10) The brim of the Panama hat is knitted according to the pattern, and you first need to knit the arches of six air loops through four loops.

11) The openwork children's Panama hat is ready! This headdress is suitable not only for summer, but also for spring if the weather is warm.

Panama hats of this type will look great on children under one year of age. For newborns, it is especially important to use natural materials and it is better not to sew on additional beads or beads.

And also lace knitted panama hats can be knitted not only for babies, but also for older women.

To make a women's openwork hat you will need:
  • cherry mercerized cotton yarn (110 m/50g)
  • crochet hook No. 4 (you can also take hook No. 3, but with hook No. 4 the finished product will be more elegant and airy)

The finished Panama hat is suitable for a head circumference of 55-57 cm.

Below are step-by-step instructions and a description of how to knit each row.

How to knit a women's openwork hat (bottom):

1) We start knitting by making the bottom of the panama hat. We cast on six chain stitches and close the circle. Next, we knit with double crochets, the first level - we knit eight double crochets into a ring.

2) Second level: we knit 16 double crochets into a ring.

3) Third level: in every second loop of the previous level we knit two double crochets.

4) Fourth level: through two loops of the third level we knit two double crochets. At the fifth level - every fourth, etc. We knit this way until a circle of the required size is ready (on average, eight in a row for a bottom diameter of 17 cm).

How to knit a women's openwork hat (patterns):

1)Next we knit with openwork stitch according to the pattern (patterns are presented below), without making any additions. If the threads are thin, columns with two crochets are knitted, but if the threads hold their shape well, then you can get by with columns with one crochet.

2) We knit the first level of the pattern: the main difficulty of this level lies in the crossed columns.

3) Second level of the pattern: we cast on three air loops of lifting, after that we knit a double crochet into the third loop of the row, then a double crochet into the second loop of the level - we have a cross column. We repeat the air loop again and knit with such blocks until the end of the level. This level consists of thick columns, between which there are three air loops.

4) The third level of the pattern is knitted similarly to the first.

5) The fourth level of the pattern completes the rapport. The entire level is knitted with double crochets into each stitch of the previous level. Make sure that not a single loop is left missing. We knit enough of these repeats to make the hat the required size. On average, there should be two rapports and one more level. Thus, the entire depth of the cap was ten levels.

6) We knit the last three levels in single crochet columns, forming the edge of the cap.

7) A charming women's Panama hat is ready for the summer.

Video on the topic of the article

Below are interesting video tutorials that explain in detail how to knit cute openwork panama hats for girls of any age.

In summer, everyone needs a hat - both children and adults. A light openwork hat will not only protect your head from the merciless rays of the sun on a hot day, but will also add an elegant zest to the summer look of a girl, girl, woman! An original hat, crocheted by your beloved mother or grandmother, will also appeal to mischievous little boys who prefer to spend most of the day outside.

We agree that today a summer headdress can be easily purchased in a store, however, hand-made items are famous not only for their exclusive design, but also for their ideal fit, because they are knitted according to precise head circumference measurements.

Knitting summer hats is the stage of getting acquainted with crochet that is best suited for beginning knitters. As a rule, the process of crocheting them is quite simple, so we recommend that all beginners practice crocheting on hats.

We have selected for you a large collection of patterns and detailed descriptions for knitting current models of children's and women's hats. Let's not languish, let's move on to crochet lessons!

  • VP – air loop;
  • runway – lift runway;
  • RLS or art. b/n – single crochet;
  • CCH or art. s/n – double crochet;
  • С2Н – st. with 2 yarn overs;
  • С3Н – st. with 3 yarn overs;
  • PS – half-column;
  • PR – previous row;
  • SS – connection column.

Summer openwork hat for your beloved daughter

Little girls are great fashionistas, which means that any little girl will appreciate a stylish patterned hat with bright decor. Children's hats for girls can be knitted in the form of a stocking (this model fits well on any head), a light beret, a loose Panama hat, and even a spectacular hat with a hard brim. For your daughter, you can knit any kind of headdress for the summer, it all depends on the creative imagination and desire of the needlewoman.

The only thing is that when preparing to knit a baby hat, you need to carefully choose the yarn - it is desirable that it be 100% natural (cotton), it is better to avoid synthetics in the composition. Only natural yarn will provide high-quality natural air exchange and also protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Also, before starting knitting, it is necessary to accurately determine the size of the future product. To do this, measure the circumference of the child’s head and add 1 cm of allowance, divide the result by 3.14 - we get the desired diameter of the “bottom” of the cap. Professional craftswomen try to knit the last four rows of the “bottom”, alternating additions, so that the hat will fit perfectly on the child’s head.

So, let's start knitting our first model - a tight-fitting beige hat with a simple floral motif. This baby hat is very easy to knit; even a beginner in knitting can easily master it. For a hat for a one or two year old child, you will need only 35 grams of cotton yarn (you can use “Iris”), as well as a hook No. 1.5-2.

Hat pattern:

Step-by-step knitting instructions

Using beige yarn we make a chain of 10 VPs and close the SS into a ring.

Row No. 2: 6 VP (4 VP + 2 VP), continue knitting with rapports (20 r.): 1 C2H in the next. С2Н PR from the hook + 1 VP. SS.

Row No. 3: 5 VP (3 VP + 2 VP), 1 Dc in the arch of 2 VP PR, 1 VP, then again we knit 20 repeating combinations: 1 Dc in the next. arch of 2 VP PR + 2 VP + 1 SSN in the same arch + 1 VP. SS.

Rows No. 4-13 are knitted in circular rows according to the pattern shown above. We finish the rows with SS. Cut off the beige thread.

Rows No. 14-15: we knit floral motifs with white thread according to the pattern, ending with a SS. We cut off the thread.

Rows No. 16-18: continue knitting in columns with beige yarn according to the pattern. SS. When the hat is ready, decorate the centers of the flowers as desired - with rhinestones, pearl beads or other suitable decorative elements.

Hip rainbow cap for a naughty boy

Not only girls enjoy stylish hats, boys are also not averse to taking a walk under the scorching sun in a stylish panama hat or cap. We suggest you try knitting a bright cap with a visor for your son, especially since it is absolutely simple to make. For the cap you will need the remains of multi-colored cotton yarn, as well as hook No. 2. The model is knitted with strips of single crochets, the pattern looks like this:

Step-by-step execution

Using a yellow thread, we collect a base of 3 VPs and close it into a ring using a SS.

Row No. 1: 1 runway, 5 sc in the ring. SS.

Row No. 2: 1 RLS, 1 RLS in the first RLS, then knit with rapports (12 rows): 2 RLS in one loop in the first RLS from the hook. SS.

Rows No. 3-4: knit sc in the round, in each row we evenly add 6 sc. SS. Change the color of the thread.

Rows No. 5-8: with red thread we knit rows in a circle with sc, in each row we evenly add 6 sc. SS. Change the color of the thread.

Rows No. 9-11: with beige thread we knit rows in a circle with sc, in each row we evenly add 6 sc. SS. Change the color of the thread.

Rows No. 12-15: using blue thread we knit rows in a circle with sc, in each row we evenly add 6 sc. SS. Change the color of the thread.

Rows Nos. 16-18: using a dark green thread, we knit in the circle, sc, but without any additions. SS. Change the color of the thread.

Rows No. 19-22: using a mint-colored thread we knit RLS, without increasing. SS. Changes color.

Rows No. 23-25: using a yellow thread we knit RLS, without increasing. SS. Changes color.Rows Nos. 26-29: using red thread we knit RLS, without increasing. SS. Cut the thread.

We knit the upper part of the visor

We attach a dark orange thread to the outer part of the 29th row and knit in the forward and reverse directions according to the following pattern:

Rows No. 1-2: 1 runway, 25 sc in 25 sc PR.

Rows No. 3-7: knit RLS and gradually decrease on both sides of each row - decrease 1 RLS. SS. We hide the thread in the loops and cut it off.

Bottom of the visor we knit from the wrong side according to the same principle as the upper part. Finally, the entire cap along the free edges, incl. and the visor - we tie it in a circle in a “crawfish step” (1 row), so the upper and lower parts will be connected into a complete visor. Our rainbow cap is ready!

Women's hats - a bright touch of a summer look

If you have already tied up your little ones, it’s time to take care of yourself – our selection of detailed instructions for knitting stylish hats for the summer is waiting for you!

Juicy stocking cap in boho style

One of the most popular is the stocking-shaped hat; this model is suitable for absolutely all representatives of the fair sex! Since the fashionable boho style is gaining more and more momentum in the fashion industry, we suggest you try to knit a bright multi-colored hat in which you will definitely not go unnoticed!

For knitting you will need cotton yarn of red, light green and sky blue colors, in total quantity - 100 grams, as well as a hook No. 5-6.

The main pattern of the cap is knitted in half-stitches (PS) in the round, each row ends with a SS, the new one starts with 1 VP.

Knitting steps

We cast on a chain of 4 VPs, close it in a circle with an SS, knit using the circular method, constantly alternating the colors of the yarn through three rows.

Row No. 1: we knit 11 PS into the ring.

Row No. 2: we knit 2 PS into each PR loop, we get 22 PS.

Row No. 3: knit with repeating combinations: 2 PS, next. loop - 2 PS, in the end we get 29 PS.

Row No. 4: knit with repeating combinations: 2 PS, next. loop - 2 PS, in the end we get 38 PS.

Row No. 5: continue to knit with rapports: 3 PS, next. loop - 2 PS, in the end we get 47 PS.

Row No. 6: knit with rapports again: 3 PS, next. loop - 2 PS, in the end we get 58 PS.

Rows No. 7-25: knit 58 PS each without any additions.

To knit the final, 26th row, turn the hat inside out and knit one row with single crochets. Our bright boho hat is ready!

Snow-white openwork beret

Despite the simplicity of knitting, such a beret wins many women’s hearts - it looks truly feminine and can be appropriate both in a youth casual look and in a romantic evening look.

To knit a beret, you need to take 35 grams of cotton thread of the “Iris” type, as well as a hook No. 1.5-2.

Beret knitting pattern:

The beret is knitted using the circular method, a pattern formed from single crochets and chain stitches. We collect a base of 5 VPs, closing the SS in a circle.

Row No. 1: 2 VP, 5 repeats: 3 VP + 1 DC in the base loop PR, 3 VP, SS.

Row No. 2: 2 VP, 1 SSN, 11 repeats: 3 VP + 2 SSN, finishing with 2 VP + SS.

Row No. 3: 2 RLS in the PR base loop, 11 repeats: 3 VP + 1 RLS, close row 2 VP + SS.

Row No. 4: 2 runways, 3 dc, 2 ch, 11 repeats: 4 dc + 2 ch, completing the sl st row.

Row No. 5: 2 runways, 4 dc, 2 ch, 11 repeating combinations: 5 dc + 2 ch. SS.

We get 12 “petals”, continue to knit, periodically adding 1 DC to each “petal” in each subsequent row. In total, knit ten more rows with such increases. Knit the next row without increasing, 13 dc in each “petal”. We knit the next seven rows with decreases - we remove 1 DC in each petal of each row. We knit the last two rows with regular single crochets. Beretik is ready!

Summer bandana hat made using the fillet technique

A bandana hat is also relevant for the summer season - thanks to the ties, you can experiment with its shape, each adding fresh notes to the image. The advantage of the sirloin pattern is not only the simplicity of knitting, but also the incredibly airy knitted fabric - the hat turns out to be translucent, allowing air to pass through and at the same time protecting from sunlight.

For a summer bandana hat you will need 150 grams of red cotton yarn, as well as a hook No. 2-2.5.

Chart of the fillet pattern for the bandana: