Cleaning a mink hat at home. How to clean a mink hat. Food for meat

After the winter season, many owners of warm hats are faced with the question of how to clean a fur hat at home. Everyday use is accompanied by heavy pollution, caused by dust and dirt particles moved by the wind, as well as precipitation. In addition, the thickness of the fur promotes the accumulation of dirt. Going to a dry cleaner usually costs time and money. However, you can restore the original appearance of the hat yourself, without resorting to the services of specialized services.


This method does not involve the use of chemicals or special cleaning liquids, and its use is possible regardless of the type of fur. Old, stubborn stains cannot be treated this way, but you can quickly restore an attractive and fresh appearance. First you need to carefully examine the condition of the hat. If you find tangled fibers and accumulations of dirt, you can clean them with a specially designed brush with hard fibers.

Brush with hard bristles

This device is well suited for fur with thick and long pile, for example for products made from arctic fox, fox or raccoon. If there is fuzz, you should wrap a little cotton wool on the working surface of the brush to prevent hairs from being pulled out. Combing helps remove dried clumps of dirt and organizes the direction of hairs. The mouton hat, characterized by short fur, is cleaned using water.

To do this, thoroughly moisten the gauze and squeeze it out so that the fabric is slightly moistened. Next, the headdress is covered with gauze, after which it is patted by hand from the inside. As a result of such actions, the knocked-out dust settles on the wet fabric. Finally, it would be a good idea to carefully comb the pile with a brush. In order to restore the natural shine, you can prepare a weak vinegar solution, which is used to treat the entire external part. A cotton swab works well for this purpose.

If it is necessary to clean the lining, the above methods are not very suitable. You can clean it using simple products available in almost every home, such as hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, starch, and shampoo.

2 Home remedies

It is recommended to wash a wool hat with the addition of a detergent intended for washing wool products. You can also use regular shampoo or detergent. In this case, the procedure does not cause difficulties, so it can be performed independently. The shampoo should be added to warm water and stirred until foam appears. A sponge is dipped into the resulting solution and the fur is cleaned with it. Cleaning should be done with gentle movements, without strong pressure or rubbing. The remaining foam is washed off with a sponge soaked in clean water.

Before washing a fur hat, you need to remember that too much exposure to water can cause deformation and damage to the base. Avoid getting wet through and prolonged exposure to any kind of liquid. A method involving the use of a mixture of alcohol and salt is considered no less effective. To prepare the solution, add 2 tbsp to 0.2 liters of water. l. alcohol and 80 g of salt, then stir until completely dissolved. Treatment is performed with a cotton swab or soft cloth.

A mixture of some medications cleanses fur well. To prepare the solution you will need the following components:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia;
  • warm water.

As for the proportions, it is enough to add 1 tsp to a glass of water. hydrogen peroxide and 3-5 drops of ammonia. When the fur is completely dry, it is a good idea to smooth it out with a brush. A particular problem is stubborn and greasy stains that cannot be removed using simple cleaning methods. A mixture of gasoline and starch obtained from potato tubers helps remove them.
It is made by pouring gasoline into a container filled with starch. This should be done slowly, stirring thoroughly, so that the resulting solution resembles a slurry. After applying it in a thin layer, you must wait until it dries completely, then shake the cap and carefully remove the remaining particles.

Many people are faced with the problem of how to wash a mouton fur hat, in which certain places are very worn and shiny from frequent contact with hands. Gasoline will help here too. Of course, after processing there will be an unpleasant odor, but it can be eliminated by rubbing in regular starch powder.

3 Cleaning linings and light-colored hats

Any hats become covered with dirt not only on the outside, but also on the inside. While wool can be completely cleaned in a washing machine, you need to be more careful with fur. Therefore, if it is necessary to clean the inside, it is better to carefully cut the lining along the seam with a blade or nail scissors, and then wash it. After drying, it should be ironed and sewn in place.

If the lining is not too dirty, it can be effectively cleaned with a warm soapy solution. It is better if it is foam, since it is not able to be absorbed into the base. An additional advantage of this method is the neutralization of unpleasant odors. It is better to use baby soap, as it contains a minimal amount of chemically active substances.

It's no secret that light-colored hats tend to be coated with a characteristic yellowish tint. Such plaque significantly worsens the appearance of the headdress. You can eliminate it with talc or starch. During the rubbing process, the powder actively absorbs dirt along the entire length of the pile. After processing, you need to wait a while, then shake the cap thoroughly and tap it on all sides. Subsequent brushing will help restore lost attractiveness.

An alternative remedy is hydrogen peroxide mixed with water. For 100 g of water, 50 g of peroxide is enough. The mixture copes well with yellowness even on snow-white products.

Mink is one of the most popular furs - it lasts a long time, keeps warm well, and looks expensive. But happy owners of mink products, especially white mink, have a lot of questions about storing and cleaning their products. How to clean a mink hat and how to properly store it in the summer?

Home cleaning of a mink hat

To clean a fur product, it is not at all necessary to take it to the dry cleaner. Fur can be cleaned at home.

Mink is a very durable and practical fur that can be easily cleaned, and special chemicals and simple folk remedies will help with this.

First, to choose a cleaning method, you need to determine the degree of contamination of the fur. So, regular laundry soap will help remove a greasy stain, and an absorbent will help refresh and lift the mink pile. Using regular glycerin, you can restore the shine of the pile.

Simple Home Methods for Cleaning Fur

Do not immediately use aggressive fur cleansers. Try restoring the mink first with proven home remedies.


White mink fur is one of the most valuable types of fur.

Many housewives do not know how to clean a fur hat at home with ordinary salt. Meanwhile, salt is a simple and proven way to clean fur.

  • Dissolve a tablespoon of regular table salt in a cup of lukewarm water.
  • Then pour two or three tablespoons of alcohol into the solution
  • Then use a clothes brush to clean the hat, constantly wetting it in the solution.


Absolutely any fur can be cleaned with ordinary vinegar. Vinegar helps restore shine and shine to the mink, and is absolutely harmless to the fur. A cotton swab is moistened in simple vinegar, lightly squeezed, and then the hat is cleaned along the pile, lightly pressing the swab. Finally, the fur can be lightly treated with ordinary glycerin, soaking cotton wool in it and wiping.


A white mink hat looks very elegant, but every speck of dust on it is clearly visible. You can clean white mink with talcum powder.

  • Sprinkle the fur with talcum powder;
  • Rub it in with light movements, as if you were washing a hat;
  • Leave the product for a couple of hours;
  • Shake off the talc and brush out the fur.

Shampoo for cats is a great solution!

Shampoo for cats and dogs seems to be specially created for cleansing fur - it restores shine, removes fat, and makes fur smooth.

Try washing your hat if it is very dirty in a quality cat shampoo.

  • Pour some shampoo into a bowl - one spoon will be enough.
  • Then direct a stream of lukewarm water onto the shampoo to make the shampoo foam.
  • Soak the sponge in the foam and then gently brush the fur.
  • Use a clean, well-wrung out sponge to remove any remaining shampoo and dry the product.

If you don't have pet shampoo, you can wash your hat in a quality powder made specifically for wool.

How to bleach yellowed white mink?

Unfortunately, such exquisite white mink fur turns yellow over time. Regular peroxide will help make the cap white again. Peroxide must be diluted in water, and then clean the hat along the pile with a cotton swab. A slightly damp hat can be dried in the sun to enhance the effect of peroxide. By the way, you can clean any white fur product in this way.

How to clean the inside of a hat?

The lining of a mink hat also requires careful care

But a fur hat gets very dirty, not only on the outside, but on the inside. It is the lining that most often needs to be washed. You'll have to work here.

  • Using thin scissors, carefully peel away the lining. In this case, you should make chalk marks along the line along which the lining was sewn.
  • Then the lining is washed, like any product, from fabric in washing powder and dried
  • A clean lining must be steamed.
  • Carefully examine the “insides” of your hat - if holes appear in the fabric, carefully sew them up with natural thread, and on top, on the outside of the lining, glue a regular medical plaster. The patch must be larger than the gap.
  • The lining is then sewn back to its original place.

How to save a thing from moths?

In the summer, the main task of every owner of fur products is to save them from moths.

Moths eat away fur and woolen items, leaving terrible bald patches.

Therefore, the main task out of season is to protect the hat from moths.

  • The easiest way to make a product “unpalatable” to moths is to simply rub it with table salt. You can also rub the fur with a weak solution of salicylic acid or creosote.
  • It is imperative to systematically expose the fur product to fresh air and ventilate it. Ultraviolet light and fresh air are the main enemies of moths. You need to air things out at least once a month.
  • Things should be stored out of season in a dry and dark place that is well ventilated. If you store a lot of fur items, it is recommended to sprinkle them with insecticides that do not have a strong odor. These items need to be thoroughly cleaned before wearing.
  • Products folded very tightly, for example, in a bag, should not be stored. It is best to put a cap on the jar, cover it with a cloth and put it in a closet.

Every caring housewife should know how to care for fur products. A beautiful and durable mink will serve you for many years if you clean it properly and protect it from moths.

The question of how to clean a mink hat, as well as any other fur headdress, is more relevant for modern fashionistas than ever. Over the past 15-20 years, fur hats have ceased to be faceless mink earflaps, but have acquired a variety of forms - caps, berets, bells, fluffy hats with long pile, boyarkas, fur bonnets, and colors - shades of brown, beige, gray, as well as fancy colors: pink, blue, yellow.

In addition to fur products, knitted headdresses with fur pom-poms have remained relevant for several seasons. They give the image youth, freshness and spontaneity. So, in the sea of ​​variety of hats, we found our “own” favorite hat, a faithful companion in the frosty winter. But like any thing, it can get dirty, dusty and lose its charm. To restore its shine, you need to wash the fur hat or clean it in a special way - using dry cleaning. This can be done at home.

How to clean a mink hat

Before cleaning a mink hat at home, determine the degree of contamination and, depending on this, choose the appropriate method. For example, a stain (greasy or dirty) can be cleaned with soap suds. And to refresh the appearance by removing dust deposits - using an absorbent. Let's take a closer look at both of these methods.

To wet clean a heavily soiled fur item, do the following:

  1. Pour liquid detergent for woolen or delicate items into a basin. Shampoo is also perfect for this purpose.
  2. Direct a strong stream of water onto the product, causing foam to form. This is what you will need to wash your mink hat at home.
  3. Wrap a three-liter jar with a towel so that the hat does not slip on the glass, and put a hat on it. You can also use a mannequin, if available.
  4. Take the foam with a sponge and apply it to the rest of the fur. It is important that the inner layer, the bottom layer of the skin, does not get wet. Then it will become stiff and may shrink.
  5. Wash off any remaining foam with a sponge soaked in clean water.
  6. Shake the headdress and leave to dry at room temperature.
  7. Brush the completely dry hat with a brush with smooth, wide teeth.

Tip: in order not to damage the inner layer, you can apply the cleaning solution to the headdress using a spray bottle, and then wash it off with a sponge soaked in clean water.

To refresh the appearance, you can dry clean at home using an absorbent: talc, starch, hot bran, oatmeal ground in a blender, semolina. The principle of dry cleaning is that an absorbent substance absorbs dirt and is then shaken out of the fur. This is done step by step like this:

  1. If bran is used, heat it in a frying pan without letting it burn. For other substances, heating is not required.
  2. Apply absorbent to a dry mink hat.
  3. Walk over the surface of the headdress using rubbing movements.
  4. Shake out any remaining absorbent.
  5. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure several times.
  6. The last time you should shake out the hat more thoroughly so that not a single particle of absorbent remains in the fur.

Tip: a knitted mink hat can be considered a separate type. Many of its owners boldly wash this headdress by hand and then dry it by stretching it over a mannequin or a three-liter jar. However, manufacturers categorically do not recommend doing this! And the cost of error is too high...

How to wash a fur hat

The methods described above are suitable for cleaning fur hats at home. In addition, there are folk methods suitable for almost any type of fur. Let's look at them.

To clean beaver and otter fur, a method using hot sand is suitable:

  1. Apply sand to the product.
  2. Actively walk your hand over the surface of the fur.
  3. Shake out the remaining sand.
  4. Repeat the procedure several times.
  5. Shake the sand out of the fur very carefully one last time.

You can use a special solution to remove stains. Here are two recipes for its preparation:

  1. Ammonia water (25% aqueous ammonia solution) + denatured alcohol (1:1 ratio);
  2. Ammonia water + table salt + water (in a ratio of 1:3:50).

Moisten a cotton pad with this solution and wipe the pile.

Tip: If wet cleaning is used at home, drying should be carried out at room temperature. Drying is excluded: near radiators, directly on the radiator, over an open fire.

How to wash a knitted hat with a fur pompom

For several seasons in a row, women have chosen a woolen knitted hat with a pompom as a headdress. Fur creates the appropriate mood, and the hat itself is much cheaper than an all-fur one. However, when it comes to washing, a dilemma arises: the hat can be washed, but the fur cannot be washed. So what should we do?

There are several tips to help solve this problem:

  1. The pompom can be torn off and the woolen hat washed in accordance with the rules.
  2. A headdress with a pompom can be partially washed, being careful not to wet the “fluffy ball”. This applies to cases where dirt appears on the knitted part. It is especially common to deal with stains on white hats. They get dirty when they come into contact with your hands, with foundation on your face or with traces of sweat. It is unreasonable to rip off a pompom every time, but it is quite possible to carefully wash off the “problem” without touching the fur with wet hands.
  3. This method was born from the ingenuity of lovers of knitted hats with a pompom. Before washing, you should put a thick plastic bag on the “fluffy ball” and tighten it tightly at the bottom with an elastic band (preferably from money). You can then safely wash your wool hat as usual.

Modern fashionistas are lucky. A fur boyarka, a fashionable cap or a knitted wool hat with a pompom lovingly warms its owners in snowy, frosty winters. Fashion has never been so warm and cozy! So you treat fur hats with mutual love: clean them and care for them correctly.

Cleaning a fur hat even at home is not difficult. There are several ways to clean faux and natural fur without the help of specialists. By following simple rules, you can not only clean the fur, but also extend its life, make it beautiful and shiny.

Cleaning is required both outside, that is, the fur itself, and from the inside, that is, the lining and leather.

Cleaning the outside

Cleaning a hat primarily concerns fur. It is fur that gives not only warmth, but also beauty. Before storing the hat, it is necessary to clean the fur from lint and dirt. This can be done in two ways - mechanical and chemical.

Mechanical means cleaning with a metal brush. For convenience, it can be wrapped with cotton wool, which will help collect fine dust, lint and dirt particles. This method is suitable for new or already thoroughly cleaned hats.

The chemical method is a deeper cleaning that allows you to remove heavy dirt, clean the pile and add shine to the pile. This method does not necessarily involve synthetic and aggressive agents such as ammonia or gasoline. Natural substances such as starch, salt, and cereals, which are available in almost any home, are also well suited for cleaning fur hats.

How to clean a hat made of natural bristles?

Cleaning natural fur is somewhat more difficult than faux fur, since such products cannot be washed, especially in a washing machine. Washing can lead not only to deformation of the product, but also to its shrinkage.

White or light natural fur deserves special attention. On such hats, dirt is most visible, and white fur often turns yellow and changes color.

You can return the original color and appearance to light hats in the following ways:

  • using 3% hydrogen peroxide - dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 1, spray with a spray bottle, let dry and shake;
  • using shampoo for pets - dilute the shampoo with warm water, wipe the lint with a dampened rag, wipe with a paper towel, dry and comb;
  • using semolina, flour or starch - heat in a frying pan (be careful not to burn, otherwise the fumes will remain on the fur), distribute over the pile, knead with your hands, shake and comb.

Talc is also suitable: rub into the fur, knead with your hands and shake. Talc will help both clean the hat and protect it from moths.

Stains on white and light fur are removed using gasoline mixed with starch (potato or corn). Gasoline and starch are mixed so that a homogeneous porridge-like substance is obtained. The resulting mass is applied to the contaminated area, gently rubbed in with a sponge or brush and removed from the fur with a rag.

To rid the hat of an unpleasant odor, it should be ventilated in fresh air. Also, do not forget about the safety rules when working with gasoline: away from fire and in well-ventilated areas.

In addition to the above methods, dark fur can be cleaned using rye bran or sand.

The bran or sand is heated in a frying pan, evenly distributed over the fur of the hat, lightly rubbed into the villi with your hands and left for several hours. Then the product is shaken and brushed out. If contamination remains, the procedure must be repeated. In the case of sand, you should repeat the cleaning several times until the sand is completely clean.

Small dirty areas that have a dirty shine can be cleaned with gasoline or a solution of salt and ammonia (3 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of ammonia per 500 ml of water). Moisten a cotton pad or swab with the solution and treat the contaminated area.

How to clean a faux fur hat?

Faux fur requires more delicate cleaning than natural fur, which is due to the peculiarities of its production. Faux fur is most often made from acrylic and polyacrylic polymers, which may be incompatible with many reagents. Faux fur after aggressive dry cleaning can not only lose its original appearance, but also begin to crumble.

Faux fur hats can be washed in a washing machine on a delicate cycle. It is better to dry the hat in a glass jar so that it does not lose its shape. After drying, you need to comb the fur. This cleaning method is the simplest, but should not be overused, since frequent washing can deform the hat and fur.

Stains on a faux fur hat cannot be cleaned with gasoline. To remove spot stains, a mixture of starch and liquid soap or dishwashing detergent is suitable. The mixture is applied to the villi and left until dry. Then the cleaning mass is removed from the pile with a brush.

Carpet and furniture cleaners can also be used to remove stains. The instructions and recommendations on the packaging should be followed.

Cleaning inside

Even if the fur looks well-groomed and clean on the outside, the lining and inside of the hat must be cleaned before each storage.

The inside of the hat is responsible not so much for aesthetics, but for the health of the owner. The lining gets dirty faster and more heavily than fur, and infrequent cleaning of the lining can be bad for your scalp and hair.

Dry and small stains are removed using alcohol and a cotton pad or cotton swab. The cap must be turned out so that the lining is on the outside, put it on a three-liter jar and walk over the lining with a sponge soaked in a soapy solution. Then wipe with a damp cloth and leave to dry in this position, for example, on a balcony, away from heaters and other heat sources.

If the contamination is too strong and old, a number of actions must be taken:

  1. carefully tear off the lining, marking with colored threads on the hat and the lining itself how and to which sides of the hat to sew it back;
  2. wash the lining as usual and leave it to dry;
  3. sew up holes and cracks on the inside of the hat with regular cotton threads and seal the seams with medical plaster;
  4. Using a brush, clean both the fur and the inside of the hat with a solution of alcohol and salt (three tablespoons of alcohol and one tablespoon of salt per glass of water);
  5. dry and shake the hat;
  6. sew the lining, focusing on the marks.

The hat should be sent for storage only after complete cleaning and complete drying.

How to add shine to a fur hat?

The following substances are suitable to add shine to the villi:

  • lemon juice;
  • acetic acid solution;
  • glycerin solution.

Apply using a spray bottle and then wipe with a paper towel.

A product based on fish oil returns shine. To do this you need:

  • fish oil - 100 g;
  • soap (laundry) - 10 g;
  • ammonia - 10 drops;
  • boiling water - 1 l.

All substances should be mixed, wait until cooled (to about room temperature) and spread over the fur of the hat (for convenience, you can take a sponge), and then wipe with a paper towel.

How to store?

The cleanliness of the hat may depend on storage rules. The hat should be stored in a “breathable” case, that is, in a fabric or paper bag. The fur should not be exposed to sunlight or warm air currents, so the ideal place is a shelf in a closet with enough free space for air circulation.

A hat is a necessary attribute in the cold season. The noble mink fur captivates with its beauty, but not everyone has enough money to purchase expensive products made from whole skin. Recently, knitted fur products have become popular. Owners of accessories made from natural materials proudly wear their favorite wardrobe items, but sooner or later they face the problem of their contamination. The question of whether a knitted mink hat can be washed is relevant for fashionistas who have a stylish item in their arsenal. Dry cleaning professionals can easily help you tidy up your item, but not every owner is willing to pay the required amount for this procedure, so tips on caring for a fur accessory will come in handy.

Is it possible to wash a mink hat?

Having discovered contamination on a fur product, owners, like doctors, should be guided by the principle “do no harm.” If you are interested in the question of whether it is possible to wash a mink hat in the traditional sense, then the answer is negative. This cannot be done! It is worth using dry or wet wash. Fur is a delicate material, so there are a number of contraindications that owners of natural mink accessories must follow. The advice is also relevant for those who want to revive old products, because many craftsmen intend to give a second life to an out-of-fashion mink product and strive to bring the fur to proper condition.

It is worth listening to the recommendations on how to wash mink from an old hat, so that you can later use the skin to knit an original accessory. In order not to spoil your favorite accessory made of natural fur (mink, rabbit, arctic fox or silver fox), owners need to know about contraindications.

  1. An abundance of moisture is detrimental to fur products, because the skin is pre-treated with special reagents that protect the shape of the product. Also, each skin stretches, and water can wash away the protective layer and saturate the base, which will lead to deformation of the product. The skin becomes rough, brittle, brittle, and bursts.
  2. Direct proximity to heating devices is contraindicated, the heat of which leads to excessive drying of the base, and then to the loss of lint.
  3. Forcible use of a hairdryer to speed up drying of the product is not advisable.
  4. It is prohibited to treat the base with hot steam, because the skin has a protein composition, and you can cook the flesh on an unpainted skin at a temperature of 55 - 70 degrees. For clarity, you can imagine what happens to a chicken egg when exposed to high temperatures.
  5. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, which dries out the product and can affect its color.

By protecting the hat and beret made of natural fur from the effects of excessive moisture and heat, the owners will maintain the aesthetic appeal of the luxurious accessory.

How to wash a knitted mink hat

The fashionable product is made from thin strips that are woven into the mesh of the finished fabric or knitted using a special technology. The hat looks great, but the time comes when it’s time to refresh the accessory. You should prepare and, depending on the color of the fur, housewives should decide whether it is possible to wash a mink hat with this particular composition so as not to aggravate the contamination. Experienced housewives recommend:

  1. You can wash a product made of natural fur using shampoo, which is diluted in a basin, foaming with a stream from the shower. Use a sponge to scoop out the resulting foam, then, without rubbing, apply it to the product. The remaining foam is removed with a sponge soaked in clean water, squeezing it thoroughly.
  2. You can also clean it using a product for natural silk or wool. By following the instructions on the package, you can easily get rid of stubborn dirt. But you need to wash it carefully so that the fur does not get wet to the very base, otherwise the product will shrink in size.
  3. For knitted items made from dark fur, you can safely take mustard powder, which is first diluted in water to a porridge-like mass, which is applied to the pile, leaving for 5-10 minutes, and then comb out the remaining powder that has absorbed the dirt. A clothes brush will help remove grains.
  4. Semolina or ground bran will help get rid of impurities. The composition is applied to the entire surface of the product, gently rubbing it into the fur. After 5-7 minutes, remove the cereal with a brush. The product is shaken and dried naturally.
  5. If housewives are heavily soiled and are puzzled by how to wash a knitted mink hat, alcohol and vinegar will come to the rescue. Using a solution of a liter of water at room temperature with the addition of 10 ml of a special rinse aid for woolen products, into which 100 ml of vinegar and alcohol are poured, treat the surface of the mink hat, preventing the base from getting wet. The sponge should be damp, but not wet. The product is applied both in the direction of the pile and against it.
  6. A mink beret or a knitted hat can be cleaned with salt. Dissolve a heaping tablespoon of salt in 200 ml of water and add 3 tbsp. alcohol The brush is moistened with this mixture and passed in the direction of hair growth, and then in the opposite direction. To prevent the product from losing its shape, the beret is stuffed with newspapers, forming the desired shape.
  7. Greasy areas are treated with vinegar, which is applied to a cotton pad.
  8. Grease stains are removed using purified gasoline, which is applied locally to the stain. After 30-40 minutes there will be no trace of grease or smell of gasoline.

Finding out whether a factory-made knitted mink hat can be washed is necessary after studying the manufacturer’s recommendations set out on the label. It is extremely rare to wash knitted items with mink stripes. In this case, it is necessary to use hair shampoo with conditioner and immerse the product in water whose temperature does not exceed 30 degrees. The hat should not be rubbed in water; manipulations should resemble washing your own hair. Rinse with wool conditioner and let the water drain without wringing. Dry flat on a terry towel, then pull the barely damp cap onto a 3-liter jar. If knitted hats have fur pompoms, it is better to remove them during traditional washing.

Cleaning a white mink hat correctly

Elegant accessories made of light fur are a luxurious addition to a fashionista's wardrobe, but it is impossible to hide dirt on them. City smog, dust, touching with hands - everything leaves an imprint on the product. Owners of such items should know how to wash a white mink beret. The advice of experienced housewives is worth taking into account:

  1. Talcum powder is sprinkled on the surface of a hat or beret, gently rubbing it into the pile. After 3 hours, you can remove grains of talc by shaking the item thoroughly, then combing it with a blunt-toothed brush.
  2. Bran or heated starch also works well for stains on white fur. They absorb dirt and are then easily removed from the surface of the skin.
  3. But how to wash a white mink hat, which over time has acquired a treacherous yellowness? Hydrogen peroxide will come to the rescue, diluted with water 1:4 and treated with a cotton pad. You can use a spray bottle to spray your hat or beret.
  4. Magnesia powder (sold in a pharmacy) is diluted with purified gasoline (1:1) and applied to the fur with a sponge. Snow-like grains are left on the surface for up to half an hour, then they are shaken off.
  5. A paste of starch and purified gasoline in equal proportions is rubbed onto the fur and left for 0.5 hours. The starch is shaken out, the remains are cleaned with a brush.

After the procedure, the fur becomes shiny. Knowing how to wash a mink skin or a finished product, owners will enjoy the attractiveness of a stylish item for a long time.